Hill Center forMathematical Sciences exterior wall sign

© 2009 Paul Feehan

Mathematics Faculty and Graduate Student Lounges

The Wolfson Lounge is on the 7th floor of the Hill Center (Hill 703) and is available during the day for faculty and graduate students, while the Graduate Student Lounge is in Hill 701. Daily coffee & cookies 3:00-4:00pm during the Fall and Spring semesters.


Mathematics Computer and Printer Rooms

Printers are located in Hill 323, 531, and 601. PCs running Linux and Windows for graduate student use are located in Hill 531 and 601. A computer room and office for Mathematical Finance students is located in Hill 613. Access to the computer rooms is by RUID swipe only: please see Colette Claiborne for access information and Risa Hynes to obtain a Department Mathematics computer account. Please see the Department of Mathematics Computing Support page for a description of available equipment and software.

Statistics Computer Lab

The lab is in Hill 480 and available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, but outside of weekdays 8am-5pm access is by RUID swipe only. Please see the Department of Statistics Computing Resources page for a description of available equipment and software. To use the lab, students will need to see the Statistics Computer Systems Administrator, Rob Dunne (Hill 476, dunne at stat.rutgers.edu, 732.445.1133) to
  • Obtain a statistics computer account, and
  • Register your RUID card to operate the swipe lock.


  • The Statistics Computer Lab has MATLAB installed on its 16 Windows PCs, together with the Financial, Financial Derivatives, Optimization, and Statistical toolboxes. MATLAB may also be available on their Linux servers, roo or random.
  • The Department of Mathematics Linux server ra has a 10-user MATLAB installed together with the Control System, Financial, Financial Derivatives, Neural Networks, Optimization, Partial Differential Equation, Signal Processing, Statistical, and System Identification toolboxes.
  • MATLAB Student Version (identical to regular version) is available for $99 from Mathworks, with additional toolboxes at $59 each.
Please see the Quantitative Finance Software page for MATLAB documentation.