
The Master’s Program in Financial Statistics and Risk Management (FSRM), operated by the Program of Statistics, has established an internal Certificate in FSRM, offered exclusively to students in the Master’s Program in Mathematical Finance (MSMF). A certificate would be earned by a student who has completed five courses (fifteen credits) from a menu of courses, with three of those courses taken in addition to ten courses required for MSMF degree. The certificate program will be jointly managed by a committee of three faculty members, one each from the Programs of Computer Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics.

Goals for the Certificate in Financial Statistics and Risk Management

The knowledge of statistical finance and risk management is useful for a professional working in mathematical finance and data science in the financial industry. There is strong industry demand for graduates with expertise in both areas. In response to this demand, we seek to provide MSMF students with a certificate that can be tailored to their specific needs and will enhance their career opportunities. The certificate program is designed to complement and enhance the existing M.S. in Mathematical Finance degree and will only be open to students admitted to and enrolled in the degree program.

Program Details

Apply for a Certificate in Financial Statistics and Risk Management

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