March 7, 2014 The Rutgers Mathematical Finance Master's Program is a STEM certified program. We are an academic affiliate member of the International Association of Quantitative Finance so our students can join and benefit from their activities. In addition, our students participate in skill-building activities such as the Rotman International Trading Competition, the IAQF Case Competition and the PRMIA Case Competition. We also have a Quant Club where students can develop leadership skills.
Congratulations to the MSMF PRMIA team led by Cong Zhang who participated in the 2014 PRMIA Regional Competitions in New York. Team members included Cong Zhang, Hongyi Yang, Taoxiang Xu and Hui Li. This was an exciting experience for them all!
On April 4, we will be having a panel discussion on Career Opportunities in Big Data. Place: Rutgers University, CORE Auditorium, Busch Campus, 96 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854 Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. You must register with Mason Wan This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to attend this event. Data scientists and experts from different companies such as Citibank, Bloomberg, Verizon, Yahoo, Celgene, EMC and Amazon will discuss the following topics: · What is Big Data? · How is the field organized? · What are the major tools, software, hardware and services used in this field and how are they used? · What are some interesting projects that have used Big Data? What has been the impact of these projects? · What are some trends in the field? · What are the career opportunities for quantitative students? · What skills should students have? What professional associations should they join?
Mathematical Finance & Partial Differential Equations Conference, November 1, 2013
Februay 25, 2013
The Mathematical Finance Master's Program is sponsoring a one-day conference on mathematical finance, computational finance and partial differential equations at the Heldrich Hotel, New Brunswick, New Jersey. The conference will be of interest to academic and industry researchers alike. Please visit the conference website for details. Our 2013 conference was postponed from 2012 due to Hurricane Sandy.
Applications welcome for Fall 2013 admission!
October 22, 2012
Applications welcome for Fall 2013 are welcome! Please consult our application information page and be sure to submit your application well in advance of the deadline.
Rutgers Mathematical Finance Master's Program in Top 10
May 21, 2012
Wall Street executives once again ranked the Rutgers Mathematical Finance Master's program among the top ten programs in the country, according to an article appearing in Advanced Trading Magazine on May 18. The other top 10 schools included Carnegie Mellon, Columbia, Cornell, MIT, NYU, Princeton, Stanford, UC Berkeley and the University of Chicago. The 2012 rating repeats the same rating received in 2008 underscoring the excellence of our program. We congratulate our students, faculty and staff for their contributions to our program.
Mathematical Finance Master's Degree Program Information Session - Tuesday, December 6
September 28, 2011
The Mathematical Finance Master's degree program is hosting an Information Session on Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the CoRE Building Auditorium, 1st floor on the Busch Campus at Rutgers University. The session covers 1) An introduction to our Mathematical Finance Master's degree program 2) Career opportunities in mathematical finance 3) Application procedures Refreshments will be served! Please register in advance by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please provide your full name, major and year of studies. Please share this information with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in pursuing a Master of Science (MS) in Mathematics degree, specializing in Mathematical Finance, whether on a full time or a part time basis. Parking is available for visitors in lot 64. Rutgers employees and students must park in their designated lots.
Career Services for MSMF Graduates
August 10, 2011
Our program welcomed its first class of incoming students in Fall 2006. Rutgers University has three graduation dates per year: January, May, and October. Despite the challenging economic climate, our graduates have fared well in the quantitative finance job marketplace:
100% of 2007 and 2008 graduates are employed in the financial industry;
of our 2009 graduates, all but one, have received and accepted employment offers;
for 2010, 100% and 96% of our January and May graduates, respectively, are employed in the field to date.
Firms hiring our students include:
Bank of America Bank of New York Mellon Bloomberg Blue Spruce Global Advisors Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank Ernst & Young Fidelity Investments Goldman Sachs ING JPMorgan
Merck & Co. Morgan Stanley Moody’s Numerix R.G. Niederhoffer Capital Management RBC Capital Markets SFC Partners Standard and Poor’s State Street Associates Wachovia
We have a strong network of industry contacts and that is a tremendous advantage when our graduates are seeking internships or full-time employment. Unlike many other programs, we have both a full-time Director of Career Management Services (Carla Visser) and a full-time Program Administrator (Ana Mastrogiovanni). Carla provides expert assistance to students during their career search and develop internship and job opportunities with employers, while Ana provides invaluable administrative guidance for our students from initial application for admission through graduation. * Graduates who do not respond to placement inquiries are not counted in our placement totals.
Rutgers Graduate and Professional School Expo
October 4, 2010
Rutgers Graduate and Professional School Expo: October 9, 2010, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Livingston Student Center. The Rutgers Mathematical Finance Master's Program will be at the Expo to talk with you and answer your questions. Please plan to stop by our table to meet some of our current first-year and second-year students, as well as Carol Rutgers, the Associate Director. Explore the possibilities of graduate study at Rutgers! Staff from more than 100 Rutgers master’s and professional degree programs will be available to discuss areas of study and the admissions process. Register online for this free event and find more information here.
New Elective Courses for 2010-11
June 21, 2010
We are pleased to announce new courses on High-frequency finance and Stochastic Control, and Portfolio Theory and Applications scheduled for Fall 2010, as well as Interest Rate Derivative Modeling scheduled for Spring 2011. Please visit our degree program page for full course details.
New York City Information Session for Prospective Students and Applicants to MSMF
January 27, 2010
The Program Director, staff, faculty, and alumni will describe the MSMF program and host a Q&A session for applicants. For details and registration, please visit the event web page.
How I Became a Quant: Financial Engineers Give a Personal View
October 20, 2009
The IAFE Education Committee and the Fischer Black Memorial Foundation recently invited Dr. Paul Feehan, Director of the Rutgers University Mathematical Finance graduate program to moderate a panel discussion designed for students interested in pursuing a career in Quantitative Finance. The IAFE event was titled - How I Became a Quant: Financial Engineers Give a Personal View of their Careers in Quantitative Finance. Participating panelist included: Dr. Arik Ben Dor, Quantitive Portfolio Strategy Group, Barclays Capital Martin Haugh, Department of Engineering & Operations Research, Columbia University Alvin Huang, Operations, G-2 Trading & Rutgers University Mathematical Finance Alum Samantha Foster, Pacific Alternative Asset Management Company The recent explosive growth in quantitative finance has led mathematics, physics, computer science and engineering students of all levels to wonder whether a career or an advanced degree in quantitative finance is right for them. With the rapid increase in sophisticated quantitative and computational techniques employed in financial firms there has been increasing demand for students with highly quantitative backgrounds to work in the financial field and an increase in advanced degree programs covering these topics. This forum was designed to give a personal view of the world of quantitative finance from the point of view of quantitative finance professionals with varying specialties. Without formulas or Microsoft Power Point, the panelists shared their own experiences and engaged in a moderated discussion; the event was concluded with student questions. A reception for students and panelists was held after the event.
The Rutgers University Mathematical Finance Master’s program is proud to announce the Gary Chropuvka Mathematical Finance Master’s Program (MSMF Program) Scholarship Award.
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