How to Obtain a Rutgers Student Email Address

If you are an admit coming, new or current student (degree or non-degree) you should obtain a Rutgers email address. It is important that you only use a Rutgers email address for correspondence with the University: non-Rutgers email addresses are caught by junk mail filters and your email may be accidentally deleted. For this reason, our mailing lists and default student web pages only use Rutgers email addresses. Two types of Rutgers email addresses and computer accounts are available to students:

Rutgers University Office of Information Technology Email Account [Required]

All current or new students who have confirmed their acceptance ("admit coming" status) should obtain a University NetID and computer account (with email address of the form YourNetID (at) for New Brunswick campus students). Benefits include:
  • Fast online Rutgers Email Account account creation
  • Email forwarding to personal or corporate, non-Rutgers email accounts can be enabled via web interface.
  • Access to restricted library web resources (electronic journals, databases) with NetID
  • Access to course web registration and grade books with NetID at Registrar website
  • Email address automatically whitelisted (bypasses university junk mail filter)
  • Inclusion of email address in course, mathematical finance program information and news, and internships/jobs mailing lists
  • Rutgers University webmail, with webtools junk mail filter


Rutgers University Department of Mathematics Email Account [Optional]

Students enrolled in the MS in Mathematical Finance degree program can also obtain a Department of Mathematics computer account (with email address of the form YourName (at) This account does not give you access to University-wide services or ensure inclusion in Mathematical Finance program mail lists, but does give access to local services offered by the Department of Mathematics. Benefits include:
  • Access to scientific and office software and printers
  • Personal web page hosting
  • Email address can be whitelisted (bypass university mail filter)
  • Department of Mathematics webmail (but no junk mail filter)
  • Email forwarding to personal or corporate, non-Rutgers email accounts can be enabled using a ".forward" file (created by Unix command shell only, with no web interface).
  • Department of Mathematics wireless internet access
  • Inclusion of email address in Mathematics Department announcement mailing lists

Rutgers Alumni Permanent Email Account [Optional]

Mathematical Finance program alumni may visit Rutgers Alumni Relations, obtain a permanent Rutgers email address, take advantage of the benefits offered by Rutgers Alumni Association membership, and ensure contact with the mathematical finance program and career opportunities.

Mathematical Finance Program Emailing Lists

Students and alumni of the Mathematical Finance Program receive news and information about the program, career events, and employment and internship opportunities via the email lists below, to which they are automatically added. The mailing lists are not open to students who are unaffiliated with the Mathematical Finance Program. Members can unsubscribe from the email lists following the appropriate links below, but to subscribe a Rutgers email address if not already a member, please contact the Program Administrator: self-subscriptions are not permitted.